First, Richie is TEN MONTHS! I can't believe that in less than two months, I will have a one year old. The time has gone by so fast. And in six months, he will be moving up to the TODDLER room at daycare. Six months!
At his nine month appointment, our little Richie-roo weighed in at 19 pounds (30th percentile), 27 1/2 inches (10th percentile), and his head was in the 10th percentile, too (don't remember what numbers). So he is coming right along! Because his height to weight ratio isn't quite there, he kind of looks like a little square - a cute little square!
New things:
He LOVES table food. Loves it. We let daycare know they can start feeding him table foods and they keep commenting on how much he likes it. He seems to love chicken - I was feeding him some tonight and he gobbled it right up. He definitely has less interest in his bottle, so it will probably be pretty easy to wean him when the time comes. Which is fortunate for us.
He has started scooching! Just tonight, he was on the bed and would put his head on the ground and stick his little butt in the air and move his legs - and he would go somewhere! This is the start of something and I'm sure our household will never be the same! It's also exciting because the pediatrician told us we can expect him to crawl at 12 months because of his prematurity. I think he's going to exceed her expectations!
He is a total ham! He absolutely LOVES being the center of attention. We went to Michigan for the 4th of July and every time there was a crowd, he would look around to make sure people were watching him. Just this past week, he has also started smiling for the camera. Too cute!
Some pictures of my little monkey:
As for me, there are lots of pregnant ladies around me at work right now and just from people I know in general. It's exciting, but I can't help but be a little jealous. I didn't get my full pregnancy experience and I wish I could have. But, I'll get over it. I just have to put on my big girl pants and deal with it. Because, I am not going to be having another baby any time soon - I have more than I can handle for now! :)