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Monday, May 23, 2011

Smokers Are Jokers

I have some strong opinions about smoking. I think it's disgusting. So gross. And I judge smokers. A lot. Now, I generally don't care that you do it as long as there are two main criteria met:
1. You don't do it around me.
2. You don't do it around kids.
Actually, #2 is more important than #1.

Women who smoke while pregnant make me want to punch them in the face and call social services. I know, I know, back in the 50's pregnant ladies smoked all the time. But hello, it's 2011. 60 years have passed and YOU KNOW BETTER. And if you can't give up something for 9 months for someone who is helpless and you're supposed to love more than anything, then you suck ass.

And if you smoke around kids you should be shanked. All I can ever think about when I see that is their poor pink healthy lungs that are being exposed to all the cancer. I can't handle it and I'm an adult. Kids deserve better than that.

Now, if you want to judge me for judging smokers, go ahead. I'm judging you right back.

Rant over.