So, my last foray into blogland didn't go so well. Obviously. So, in the past 5 months, we've had a lot of ups and downs. Many negative pregnancy tests and heartaches. BUT on Thursday morning at 10 days past ovulation (dpo), we had a POSITIVE pregnancy test! Yahoo! I've been taking them pretty much every day since then, just to make sure. We're elated. At the beginning of this cycle, I was actually able to start discussing my options with my OB. She suggested that we do an HSG (histosalpingogram) where they take an x-ray of your body as they shoot dye into your tubes.
My tubes were clear and she said everything looked perfect! They say that after an HSG, many women actually get pregnant, since the dye is like an anti-bacterial. I have to say I think that was a big contributor, but also because I was more relaxed because the next cycle we had a plan (start meds and do bloodwork). I'm good with whatever the reason was.
Here are some pictures we took, reinacting my reaction:
Looking at the test, just to see...

It's Positive!


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