
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, October 27, 2008

Dr. Appt = Limboland

Well, internet, things did not go as I was hoping they would at our appointment. I got there, went through the usual girl-check-up and our OB was all for us doing an ultrasound. I was so excited. But, my excitement was pretty short-lived. In the ultrasound, we did not get to see our healthy baby. Instead, all we saw was a gestational sac and it looked almost empty. There was a small spot that looked like it could be something, but they couldn't tell. I should be 8 weeks today (as you all know), but everything was measuring about 6 weeks and 4 days. So what does this all mean? They're not sure. My Dr. isn't hopeful, but isn't ruling anything out quite yet. I'm going back next Monday for a follow-up ultrasound. Please send us prayers that this can still turn out ok.

I'm pretty upset, but I feel worse for poor Fred :(

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