From our ulrasound on Wednesday - Baby is weighing in at 9 ounces and is measuring 2 days ahead. Fred and my brother were both 9 pound babies. Yikes!
We got to the clinic and the first thing we did was sit down with a genetic counselor to go through our entire family history. We have 3 different heart defects in babies in our family - I had a small ventricular defect when I was born up until age 5, my cousin had a large ventricular defect in her heart that required surgery, and Fred had a brother that passed away at age 1 because of a chamber defect (he only had 3 chambers, instead of 4). That, coupled with my multiple miscarriages, gave them a specific focus on the heart. They also asked if we wanted any testing and I said that we didn't think we needed it, but it would depend on the ultrasound.
So, then we got to go into the ultrasound and that was SO FUN!!!! I have only had ultrasounds in the first trimester (3 unsuccessful ones and one that showed this peanut at 7 weeks), so it was VERY COOL to see him moving around! It was surreal because I can't feel him yet, but there he was up on the screen in real time moving around. He was a very wiggly little guy and it was hard to get a clear shot of him, except when it came to showing his boy pieces - we got a clear shot of that!
The ultrasound tech measured his brain, the neck fold, the heart (has 4 chambers!) and monitored the blood pumping in and out (which was pretty neat), the umbilical cord and the blood flow in and out of that, the amniotic fluid level, bone lengths in arms and legs, upper lip, nasal ridge, the location of the placenta, length of the cervix, distance of the cervix from the placenta, and checked out his spine. And it was all NORMAL!
It was all so exciting and we have waited so long for this. We're going to start our registry this weekend and it will be fun for this to become more real!
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