An epidural really is the best way to go, I think. However, my epidural was a bit uneven. I couldn't feel my right side at all, but my left side was only mostly numb. So, I did feel when there was pressure to push, which was actually helpful for when the time came to get him out.
The Dr. came in and said that it was time to start. So at about 1:45, we began the process of getting Richie into the world! My contractions were coming every couple of minutes, but I needed Florence to help me feel my abdomen to make sure that it was really happening, since I couldn't feel them. They say that you forget labor/birth, but I remember every single thing. I think it's because I wasn't in a lot of pain. Maybe if you go all natural you forget so that you're willing to do it again? I'm not sure. And pushing sure makes you tired! I hated not being able to breathe while I was bearing down (is that what they call it?) and I totally wanted to take a nap in between pushes.
I have no idea how long this went on, but eventually his head was right there! They had me feel the top of it and it was really weird. It was firm and slimy and just weird. :) And then he stayed put. Every push got him a smidge closer, but not by much. Turns out that he was sunny-side up and tilted to the side a bit, which makes it a lot harder for babies to come out. And they couldn't use a vacuum or a forceps (thank goodness) because hew as so little. So we just kept trying. I also had to get an episiotomy, which thankfully I didn't feel. The baby started to be in distress towards the end and they threatened to give me a c-section. One of the special care nurses had me do a trick with a towel - she held on to the end of it and I held on to the other end and had to try and pull it away from her. It worked! With that push, out came little Richmond!
He didn't cry right away and I'm pretty sure his apgars started out really low, but he did look all around at everything! They wrapped him up and put a little hat on his egg-shaped head and I got to hold him for about 2 minutes before they whisked him away to the special care nursery. He's been there now for 10 days, which is crazy to me! The days are so long, yet time is going so fast. I'm on my own this week, since Fred is going back to work until he comes home. Wish me luck!
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