Richie updates: Growing and growing and growing! Richie LOVES toddlers. He is such a mover and a shaker and he gets to be so busy and active in toddlers. He is loving the nicer weather, too. He has a lot more words these days. Granted, if you don’t pay attention to what he’s pointing at or playing with, you may not understand them, but he’s trying! What I love right now is that he is counting! It’s only to two, but it’s adorable. Other words he is saying: Ellie, Pete (iiT), eat, more, up, Bye-bye, duck, dog, Mama, Dada, Joe, Grandma, Lola, Tita, All Done, night-night, book, the end (eee en), shoes, socks, and Elmo (also called La-La). I think there are more, but I can’t remember them. He also does a LOT of animal noises and can identify a lot of animals, too.

Richie LIKES baths, running, dancing, songs, Elmo (times a million), Cookie Monster, Mac and Cheese (“Ack an chisth” – my best phonetic spelling of how he says it), oranges, cheese in general, stickers, Duplos, walks, the dogs, BOOKS, and his monkey.
Richie DOES NOT like being redirected, not being able to stand on chairs, broccoli, going to bed, wearing his winter coat, getting buckled into his car seat, or getting his diaper changed.

As for us, not much new to report. No, there are no siblings for Richie on the horizon right now, even though I feel like I’m getting the side eye from people who are on bump watch or something. Nope, just pudge But I think #2 will be in our near future.
That’s the latest and greatest!
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