Friday, December 18, 2009
Updated Stats
Richie got his 2nd Synagis shot on Wednesday. He did pretty well - there was some definite screaming and the silent cry without breathing for longer than I was comfortable with, but a quick recovery. The nurse who comes to our house (!) weighed him and he was... 12 pounds, 12 ounces! Since it's been 2 days, I'm guessing he's even closer to 13 pounds now. That is a weight gain of 2 pounds, 3 ounces since last month. His head was also 39 1/2 cm. Great growing, Richie!
But (because there always is one), this also makes me nervous. My son is pretty huge for a preemie - in the 90th-plus percentile. He looks big. But here's the thing - he's still a preemie. He's still in the bottom quarter on the regular growth charts. His body was still premature and he is still catching up in every way. I don't want people to forget that. But I'm still proud of his progress!
I go back to work in 9 days. Boo. I am excited to have a break, but I'm also borderline hyperventilating over being away from my little guy all day. As far as he knows, Mom stays home with him all day! But that's going to change very soon and it makes me so sad.
Ok, that's all for now - my peaceful little one is now screaming from his crib. One guess: HUNGRY! (ALL.THE.TIME!)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Being a Preemie Mom
- I sometimes feel robbed that I didn't get to spend the extra time with my in-tummy baby. I am grateful that we were able to meet him and I think Fred is secretly happy that Richie came early because then he got to spend the time with him, but I really enjoyed when it was just the two of us and wish it could have lasted longer (like 7 1/2 weeks longer...). I may have been uncomfortable and crabby and complaining, but there were also so many great things about it.
- The NICU made me uncomfortable. I always felt like an outside visitor - afraid to say and do the wrong thing. There were times I had to tell myself that this was MY baby and I could do what I want. But the reality is, that isn't true. You can't do what you want. The nurses dictate what you can and can't do, which at times is nice because you're a new parent and have no clue what you're doing and at times sucks because you're a new parent and all you want to do is be with your baby.
- As Richie grows, I sometimes forget he's a preemie. I read in another preemie mom's blog (sorry, I can't remember whose!) that they're preemies until they're 2. After seeing that, it really showed me that I sometimes forget that he's a preemie just because of his size. I really have to remember and watch it because there are things that preemies need to be extra careful of.
- The travel nurse came over this week to give Richie his first Synagis shot. While she was here, she said that parents are really the ones who can protect their babies the most (she was talking about germ protection). And I was thinking, we're really his only protection! He is with us 24/7 (or will be until he starts daycare) and is completely and totally dependant on us. While this is an awesome responsibility, it takes on a new meaning with a preemie. Preemie lungs are not as developed as a full-term baby. Any sickness that FT babies would be able to fight relatively easily is much, much harder for premature lungs and immune systems to fight off. This makes me terrified on a daily basis.
- Because he was so early (and because this flu season is extra-bad), we've been pretty much quarantined. We stay home almost all the time. Richie has been to a restaurant twice, been to Target once (during a non-peak time), and to a wedding (Fred was in it, so we had to go. I probably should have stayed home with him because it almost caused me to have an anyeruism). Other than that, it's been to the Dr.'s office. He's 11 weeks old today. When I talk about it with people, they all say they understand, but I can tell they don't really. It's amazing how few people understand what having a preemie is all about. I know I didn't before I had one.
- Parents of full-term babies want their little ones to stay little, I think. They fully enjoy this early-baby stage and enjoy watching their LO's grow, but would be ok if it wasn't so fast. Preemie parents have a different take on it. They want their kids to grow as quickly as possible, to get on growth charts and to make up for the time they would have spent in the womb. Fred and I get so excited when he's put on a lot of weight and that he's on the regular growth charts. I just hope that we don't forget to take the time to enjoy his early-babyness.
- Milestones. They don't mean as much to preemie parents. I think we have to learn to let that go. Other people don't understand that our babies won't reach them at the same time as full-term babies. I have to learn to understand that, too. I keep wanting my kid to be the exception and to reach all those milestones right on time. He hasn't and he won't. He was 32 weeks when he was born - of course he isn't going to be the same developmentally as a 2 month-old who was born at 40 weeks! But I have a hard time with that sometimes. I just want to give him all the best.
Ok, that's all I can think of for now, but I'm sure there will be more. I am so tired - that's one thing that is no different for preemie parents - we're just as SLEEP DEPRIVED as full-term parents! :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Prematurity Awareness Day
November 17th is Prematurity Awareness Day and to celebrate, I will reflect back on the first 10 weeks of Richie's life!
First, I can't believe it's been 10 weeks already! That's crazy to me. It all started on August 16, 2009, when I first had preterm labor. I was 29w6d and 2 cm dilated and 60%effaced. I was given beta methazone for my baby's lungs and a shot to stop contractions. A fetal fibronectin swab was done and came back positive. I was sent home on bedrest.
Two weeks later, I went to my Dr's appointment. It was September 1st and I was 32 weeks pregnant. No progress was made and a repeat fetal fibronectin swab again came back positive. I was sent home on bedrest.
On that Thursday, I started to feel more contractions. Since they were more than 5 in an hour, I called my Dr.'s office. They told me to watch them for a couple of hours and see if they got worse or stayed the same. If they got better I could stay at home. They didn't get better, so in we went! I didn't pack anything, I didn't bring anything but my purse and a book for Fred.
It was a busy day in L&D - I attribute it to the full moon! I had to wait to be seen and when they finally checked me, I was 3-4 cm dilated and 80% effaced, with a bulging bag of water. Yikes! I got another shot of terbutaline and they told me they were admitting me for at least the night to try and stop them.
We started an IV with penicillin for Group B Strep and fluids. I started taking another medication to stop the contractions. Then we waited (and no eating for me, just in case!). That night, the contractions were getting worse, not better. I had a lot of back labor and my contractions weren't registering that strongly on the monitor. The nurses had to actually sit by my bedside and feel my stomach whenever I said one was coming. I honestly don't think they really believed that I was having as many contractions as I was.
At 8 am, the Dr. came in and said she'd consulted the neonatologist and together they decided they were going to let me have my baby that day! Terrified, excited, exhausted, surprised - all words that were pretty fitting. I was 5 cm at that point and 100% effaced. I got my epidural and waited.
At 1:30, I was 10 cm - ready to go! I started pushing around 1:45. Because he was sunny side up, he wasn't budging much. He started to be in distress and they threatened me with a c-section, but he came out at 2:51 pm! He didn't cry, but I was never worried because I saw his eyes looking all around. I think he scored a 1 and 4 on his apgars, but then was upgraded to an 8. I got to hold him for about 1 minute and the whole time he was making little cries that sounded like "yeah". Then they whisked him away. Here he was just a few hours after he was born and when I got to see him again:
Our NICU stay was both easy and hard. I was easy because Richie didn't have any health problems or need anything major done to him. His head scan was clear and he breathed room air starting on day 1. He did have jaundice and was under the billi lights for almost a week. He also was in the isolette for about another week. But most of his time was spent as a feeder/grower. I think that's the best way to spend your NICU time, if you have to be there. He had a little neighbor that had been born at 27 weeks and was on oxygen and looked like he would be there for a while. I felt so bad for those parents - they didn't even live in the state! They had been visiting family for their baby shower. Scary.
I say our NICU stay was hard because it SUCKED HARD CORE to leave him there every night. When we drove away from the hospital the first time, it was so much harder than I thought it would be. I was so jealous of all those parents that got to take their babies home with them when they left. It was even hard while I was still in the hospital because I had an empty bassinet in my room, directly across from my bed. In hindsight, I should have asked them to move it. The last few days, I spent all day right at Richie's bedside. Labor and Deliver had to use the parenting rooms for post-partum patients, so me and another mom just hung out in the Special Care Nursery annex, where our babies were. It was the 3 babies, the two of us, and one nurse.
Once we introduced a bottle, Richie started getting feeding down like it was nobody's business! It was amazing how fast he caught on and how soon afterwards we were able to go home! It was so wonderful knowing we would be able to take our little guy home. Here he is the night before discharge:
He came home at 5 pounds, 13 ounces. It was an adjustment being home, but it was SO MUCH NICER than being in the hospital! Here Richie is one day before his one-month birthday and only 5 days after discharge. Two days earlier, he had gained weight and was up to 6 pounds, 3 ounces.

And at two months, we are so blessed to have him in our lives. It's hard to picture life without him, even though he's only been in the world a short time! At his two-month check-up, he was 9 pounds, 6 ounces and gaining steadily!
And even though I'm stressed, overwhelmed, and majorly sleep-deprived, I wouldn't trade being Richie's mom for anything in the world.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Latest Stats
Weight: 9 pounds, 6 ounces!
5-10th percentile
Height: 20 1/2 inches
Not on charts yet, but close! Making steady growth - only 3 percentage points away!
Head: 14 1/2 inches
4th percentile
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Richie is 2 Months Old!
Friday, October 30, 2009
It's funny though - people seem to look down on me for not breastfeeding. He's still getting my milk, people! And I do nurse him sometimes - usually when I sleep through a pumping session and he wakes up hungry. But the problem with that is that he just is a slow eater when breastfeeding and I worry that he doesn't get enough. Since he was premature, I wanted to make sure that he was getting enough to eat so that he could gain weight. Pumping made measuring that easy. AND, since we wanted to take him home, introducing a bottle was the way to make that happen fastest. And if I had to do it over again, I would do it exactly the same. Getting to spend a week or who knows how much longer at home over being in the hospital is worth not mastering breastfeeding. So worth it.
I'm looking into meeting with a lactation consultant to see if I can make breastfeeding more comfortable for me, but I also don't think that breastfeeding will be realistic long-term because I'm going back to work. I will continue to pump for as long as humanly possible (up until he's one), since I know it's best for him. But I still look at every week as one more week down. Right now we only have 44 weeks left.
But this is why I do it:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Big Guy
Our little chunkster is now almost 8 pounds! He weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces at his weight check yesterday! He no longer needs any fortified breastmilk (even though, to be honest, we weren't really fortifying it anymore) and is very close to being on the charts without needing to adjust his age! This is all good news for our little chunky monkey.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Life with Richie
My big boy is over a month old now! I can't even believe how fast time flies.
They always say that "life is going to change so much when the baby comes." I knew this. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. But I don't think I was completely prepared for just how much or in what ways life changes. It's one of those things you can't completely prepare for until you go through it, you know?
Richie is not on any set schedule - he wakes up when he's hungry and he sleeps a lot. He has a couple of "awake times" during the day where he'll just be awake for about an hour stretch. He goes through a lot of diapers, which is a good indicator that his digestive system is working just fine!
Being a preemie parent is stressful - I don't know how much isolation is good for him (or me) and I worry all the time that he will get RSV. I'm going to be a basket case next weekend when we go out of town with him to a wedding.
But mostly I just look at him and can't even imagine my life without him.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Getting So Close!
Richie continues to do well - he is up a pound over his birth weight - 5 pounds 10 ounces! He moved to queue-based feedings, which means he gets fed when he acts like he's interested in eating. This is a great step towards coming home! However, it does mean that he is no longer on a set schedule, which makes it harder to run home or rest in between feedings, since we don't know exactly when they'll be. But that's ok, since it won't be for much longer now.
We were hoping that he would be able to come home tomorrow, but since he had one spell on Monday, he has to be spell-free for one week before they'll take him off the monitors. So, Monday will be the earliest he can come home. It's annoying, since the reason they're keeping him longer isn't even a real issue for him. I think the "spell" he had was more of a fluke and not a real concern - even the Doctor wasn't concerned about it and was a little mad that it had even been documented. He hadn't had any issues before it and he's had nothing since. I know that two days isn't that long to wait, but this last stretch is the hardest, since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but can't speed up the ride.
We'll make it through this - we're almost there!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Help Keep Richie Healthy
I want to start by saying that we are experiencing the biggest challenge of our lives, and we’re lucky to be surrounded by so many family members and friends who have shown us so much love and support.
We’d also like to share an important topic that we recently discussed with our baby's pediatrician. If you are not aware of RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, you are among the majority. Most people have not heard of RSV, even though nearly every child has had the virus by age two. For full-term babies, RSV typically is not any worse than a common cold, but for preemies, the virus can be quite different. Babies born earlier than 36 weeks are at the highest risk for serious complications like pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and other sometimes fatal complications.
Our baby was born premature and had a low birth weight; these are among the highest risk factors for contracting RSV and developing serious complications. This website offers a great visual comparison of a preemie’s lungs compared to the lungs of a full-term baby:
Preventing the spread of RSV is very difficult. Thus, we must be vigilant about keeping our child safe during RSV season (October through April). The virus is spread through physical contact, in the air via a cough or sneeze, or by touching an infected object. The virus can live as long as six hours on hands and up to twelve hours on objects, and it spreads very easily, especially from child to child. Studies have also shown that infants pose an even higher risk of spreading RSV to others.
You may ask, “Can’t they fight it off and build up their immune system? Kids need to get sick, right?” The simple answer is NO. Since our baby was pre-term, he did not acquire the necessary immunities to fight off infection. If he contracts RSV, he could be hospitalized and develop serious complications.
We’ll be asking our visitors to follow a few guidelines to help prevent the baby from contracting RSV or any other illness.
We ask that all visitors do the following:
1. When you arrive, please wash your hands and use hand-sanitizer as needed before touching the baby.
2. Please, if it is possible, get a flu shot.
3. Please refrain from coming over if you are currently sick and have not been symptom-free for at least 5 days, if you live with someone who is sick, or have been in close contact with someone who is sick.
4. If you smoke, we ask that you change your clothing and refrain from smoking prior to visiting, as a preemie’s lungs are very sensitive to smoke. Most RSV sites recommend against passive smoke exposure.
5. If you are parents to a baby or toddler, please refrain from bringing them to our house during RSV season.
Unfortunately we will not be attending many events during RSV season. Our goal is to make it through this and the next RSV seasons without the baby contracting RSV or any other serious illness. His lungs are still very fragile until he is 2-years-old.
Please understand that this post is not meant to offend anyone, just simply to provide an explanation. We hope you understand, and we appreciate your help keeping our baby safe.
Here are several resources with additional information about RSV below.
Love and best wishes to all!
Monday, September 21, 2009
He has started taking bottles. We just made the decision to start those last night, since his nursing has been going so well. He took 36 ml (out of 44) during his first bottle and 44 (out of 44!) from his second bottle! Great job, Richie! He only took 16 from me today and then another 28 from a bottle. So, he's on his way. It may mean a set-back on breastfeeding, but if it means he can come home earlier then it's completely worth it. We can always work on breastfeeding some more at home.
After he masters feeding (and he's on his way!), he will need to pass his car seat test in order to go home. I think it's mainly to make sure he can be in his car seat with no problems - and then he can also come off of all his monitoring wires. He will also get a hearing test before he leaves the hospital.
So, hopefully he will come home soon! The Dr. said yesterday that it would probably be 3 more weeks, but with all this progress, I sincerely doubt it will be that long. I told Fred yesterday that my gut feeling was 10 more days. That would put us at 3 weeks total in the NICU.
I think I also forgot to give this update: since my birth canal was so narrow for even my 4 1/2 pound baby, I'll most likely have to have a c-section next time. AND because of my preterm labor, I'll have to get weekly progesterone shots starting at 16 weeks to keep the next baby cooking for as long as possible. I'm guessing this will all also make me high-risk for next baby. I wonder if that means more ultrasounds to see the peanut? I guess we'll have to wait (for a long time - that's for sure) to find out!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Birth Story Part 4
The Dr. came in and said that it was time to start. So at about 1:45, we began the process of getting Richie into the world! My contractions were coming every couple of minutes, but I needed Florence to help me feel my abdomen to make sure that it was really happening, since I couldn't feel them. They say that you forget labor/birth, but I remember every single thing. I think it's because I wasn't in a lot of pain. Maybe if you go all natural you forget so that you're willing to do it again? I'm not sure. And pushing sure makes you tired! I hated not being able to breathe while I was bearing down (is that what they call it?) and I totally wanted to take a nap in between pushes.
I have no idea how long this went on, but eventually his head was right there! They had me feel the top of it and it was really weird. It was firm and slimy and just weird. :) And then he stayed put. Every push got him a smidge closer, but not by much. Turns out that he was sunny-side up and tilted to the side a bit, which makes it a lot harder for babies to come out. And they couldn't use a vacuum or a forceps (thank goodness) because hew as so little. So we just kept trying. I also had to get an episiotomy, which thankfully I didn't feel. The baby started to be in distress towards the end and they threatened to give me a c-section. One of the special care nurses had me do a trick with a towel - she held on to the end of it and I held on to the other end and had to try and pull it away from her. It worked! With that push, out came little Richmond!
He didn't cry right away and I'm pretty sure his apgars started out really low, but he did look all around at everything! They wrapped him up and put a little hat on his egg-shaped head and I got to hold him for about 2 minutes before they whisked him away to the special care nursery. He's been there now for 10 days, which is crazy to me! The days are so long, yet time is going so fast. I'm on my own this week, since Fred is going back to work until he comes home. Wish me luck!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Birth Story Part 3
Finally, they got it in. And then it was relief! I could actually sleep! I took a little nap and it was glorious. I even was allowed to lay on my back, which I hadn't done in weeks. My Dr. came and checked me and I was 8 cm and 100% - so they broke my water. I think this was at about noon or 12:30. His head dropped really quickly, too. They decided they would re-check me at 1:30. The nurse (Florence) came in at 1:30 and found that I was ready - 10 CM!!!!!!! Gah!
The Dr. came in at about 1:45 and we got ready to meet our baby.
To be continued...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Birth Story Part 2
They expected the pills to start working immediately. They didn't. So, they continued to give them to me every 6 hours. The night was pretty long. I had contractions about every 5 minutes. They varied in intensity - some were mild and some weren't. I felt some in the front, but I felt most of them in my back. The baby looked good throughout this, which Fred and I think is because he was happy he was going to be breaking free soon :)
Sometime in the middle of the night, the contractions started getting worse. I felt them in my back so much. I kept waking Fred up to come and rub my back. He wasn't very good at it because he was so sleepy! The nurse checked me in the middle of the night and I was still only 3-4 cm. I got more drugs early the next morning and they still didn't do anything! At 8 am, the Dr. came in to talk to us. She said that she had checked with the Neonatalogist and they had decided that because I had had the steroid shots 2 1/2 weeks earlier and because the meds weren't working, they were just going to let me go. (At first I had the silly thought that they meant I could go home! It quickly dawned on me that was NOT what they meant. I hadn't slept, obviously.)
The Dr. did a quick check and I had progessed to 5 cm! So, the fun began - I was definitely having that baby that day! Yikes!
To be continued...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Welcome Richmond! Birth Story Part 1
So, Richie just could not wait! Here's what happened: I had gone in on Monday for an appointment and like I said below, I had not progressed. I was told to watch out for contractions that were more than 5 in one hour. On Thursday around 9 am, I had some bloody mucous. Then the contractions started. There were more than 5 an hour, but they weren't too painful, but I called anyway. They told me to watch them for the next couple of hours and see if they got worse or at least didn't change. They didn't get any better, so I called and let them know and they told me to come on in. Fred booked it home and we headed to labor and delivery (again!).
I seriously thought that they would just give me meds and send me home. They gave me a terbutaline shot to stop the contractions and then checked me. I had progressed to 3-4 cm and 85% effacement and they could feel a bulging bag of water. Soooooo, they admitted me with the intention of stopping my contractions.
To be continued... (we have to go see Richie in the Special Care Unit :) )
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bed Rest Extended
32 Week Update
How far along? 32 Weeks, 1 Day
Total weight gain/loss: 22 pounds gained - lost 3 pounds according to my Dr.'s scale. Pretty surprising, considering I snack all day and I'm more sedentary than I've EVER been.
Maternity clothes? Comfies still - mostly maternity pants, but then I just wear huge t-shirts.
Stretch marks? Sadly, I've found about 4 small ones on each hip. They're not long, but they're there.
Sleep: I wake up every time I switch sides, and if I lay on one side too much it is so sore!
Best moment this week: How active he's been!
Movement: He's been very active this week - I keep playing the game "What Body Part is This?"
Food cravings: I want chocolate ice cream with powdered sugar. I have the ice cream, but I've been trying to resist the sugar, since I know it's not good for me.
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: Still on bed rest for pre-term labor possibility. I've been having contractions regularly, but I haven't progressed in the last two weeks.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, for now.
What I miss: Going to Target, doing normal stuff.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the results of my most recent fetal fibronectin swab.
Weekly Wisdom: Scour the internet for good deals on your baby wants - we found our travel system for a lot cheaper than at BRU!
Milestones: First one - making it to 32 weeks! This means I can deliver at my regular hospital. Second one - reserving a day care spot for Richie!
Monday, August 31, 2009
No Progression!
I'm still waiting for the results from my fetal fibronectin swab - fingers crossed that it's negative!
Also, I actually lost weight from my last appointment, but I think that had to do with it being at 8:10 am as opposed to 3:00 pm :) Always lighter in the morning :)
I'll update once I get the results!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Yet Another Trip to Labor and Delivery
They did the swab, which came back negative - THANKFULLY. And baby is still looking great! They monitored him for awhile, and he looks just fine! I won't be able to deliver at Fairview Southdale before 32 weeks, but I'm 32 weeks on Monday, so I think I'll make it to at least then. I have another Dr.'s appointment, so hopefully all will be well - maybe the Fetal Fibronectin will even come back negative and I can get out of the house again! But I don't really think that will happen. But a girl can hope.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day Care - Check!
The runner-up is by our house, which sounds like it would be convenient, but it's not as convenient as him being close-by during the day.
Monday, August 24, 2009
31 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 25 pounds gained
Maternity clothes? Since I'm at home, I'm wearing comfies - half maternity and half just big clothes that I already had.
Stretch marks? I think I have a tiny new one on my side.
Sleep: Wah - I wish!
Best moment this week: Being able to tell that the little nubbin sticking out was his heel!
Movement: Less kicks, more big movements, like rolling from side to side.
Food cravings: Nothing specific, although I did want Big 10 subs on Saturday and didn't get them. Then I wanted Famous Dave's and didn't get it. Then I wanted french fries and had tater tots, so that was a-ok!
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: Um, yes. Bedrest for pre-term labor signs. I am dialated to 2 cm so far and 60% effaced. Eff.
Belly Button in or out? In, but it's looking nasty.
What I miss: Going outside, moving faster than a turtle.
What I am looking forward to: Getting to leave the house next week!
Weekly Wisdom: DO NOT wish for bed rest just to get out of going to work! It sucks! And you still have to work in order to not use your FMLA!
Milestones: Fred is visiting Day Care Centers tomorrow!!!!!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Need to Slow Down
But I am more than willing to do this for 6 more weeks, if that's what it takes.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Still on Bed Rest
I'm also working from home now. I keep feeling like I need to prove that I'm actually working (which I am) in order to not dip into my FMLA. I'd actually like to use my FMLA leave for when the baby is here, not for when the baby is trying to escape. We've decided he's bored in there and wants to see what this world is all about :)
Fred called daycare centers yesterday and lined up visits to 3 of them. Two are right by our house and one is downtown, right by work. I really think I will like the downtown one best - it's a center "chain" and has high reviews, plus I really do think it will work out best for our family. But, I think Fred is leaning towards the one by our house because it's cheaper. Well, I put it in his hands, since he is going to be looking at them without me, but at least my Sister in Law can go with him to be another set of eyes. I'll help by giving him some advice before he goes.
So, the update from the Dr. on Monday - I am on bedrest for at least the next two weeks. I go back in on the 31st to repeat the fetal fibronectin swab. If it's still positive, then I'm going to stay on bedrest until at least 34 weeks. If it's negative, I can go back to work and my regular days, hopefully. He checked me again and I'm dialated to 2 cm, but he didn't necessarily think that I'd progressed - that I may have been at 2 all along and the first check was a modest estimate. He also thought my cervix length was ok - I didn't have to meet with the perinatologist, so that's something.
So, we're just hanging in there! We'll take it day-by-day. Fred is starting to feel a sense of urgency to finish some of our "baby-to-do" list - he rearranged the nursery yesterday! It's getting there, which is fun. I will just be hanging out on my laptop, in bed. Yes, internet, I promise that I will stay laying down as much as humanly possible. We even rolled out our single convertible bed in the living room (usually a chair), so I can lay down in there, too. I just hope the dogs don't annoy me all day long :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
In the afternoon yesterday, I was having braxton hicks contractions and just feeling a little weird. I thought it was my imagination, but I also had a change in my cervical mucus (Sorry for the TMI) - it became more jelly-like. I brushed it all off because I wasn't having any pain or any cramping. We went to a friend's awesome birthday party that night, but even there I just drank a lot of water and took it easy.
At 3:30 am, I woke up because my stomach hurt and I also had to go to the bathroom. I got up, went downstairs, and when I wiped, I found bloody-tinged mucus. That is the first time I'd seen blood this whole pregnancy. Freaked me out. So, I called my mom (LOVE having a Dr. in the family! Dear Baby, What about Med School...) She said to go lay down and call L&D if I started having contractions. Right after getting off the phone with her, I started to have some. They were not my typical BH contractions, since they also made me feel crampy and achy. So I called Mom back, who told me to call my hospital. So I did. The Dr. on-call said I should come in and they could monitor me. He called the hospital to let them know I was coming in.
I got there and they hooked me up to the fetal monitors. He was doing great! Strong heartbeat, movement, so I was happy he was doing so well. I had about 3-4 contractions while I was hooked up to the machine in the first hour. They decided to do a fetal fibronectin swab to see if I would be at risk for delivering in the next couple of weeks. While we waited, they also did a urine test to see if I had a UTI that could be causing this.
While we waited, she checked me and I am 1 cm dialated and 60% effaced. Because of that, they decided to give me a shot to help slow down/stop my contractions and also a steroid shot to help with his lung development just in case. It's a series of two, so I have to go back at 6 am to get the other one.
My urine test came back negative, but the fetal fibronectin swab came back positive. What that really means is that they don't know what's going to happen, but they're going to monitor me extra close for the next 10 weeks (or less?). I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow (which was already scheduled) and we're going to do all the follow-up. I'm on bedrest until that appointment and from there - who knows!?! We'll just have to see what they want me to do. There is a chance that I'll be on bedrest for the next two weeks at least. I'm just glad that Richie is doing so well and if he were to be a preemie, he would probably do pretty well.
So, that was long! Thanks for reading and please send me any "STAY PUT BABY" vibes that you may have :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Last week in the 20's!
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds gained
Maternity clothes? Lost without them.
Stretch marks? Not yet, but I think they're on their way.
Sleep: I want to sleep well SO BADLY. But it's not going to happen for a long, long, long, long time.
Best moment this week: Feeling him move a LOT!
Movement: He loves to press up against my right side. Not so comfy for me, but it must be for him.
Food cravings: Nothing specific. Although I had the urge to get chocolate milk at the store yesterday. (Borderline GD must be why - I only got a small one)
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: I seem to get a BH contraction right when I get out of bed in the morning, but that's about it.
Belly Button in or out? In, but it's on it's way.
What I miss: Bending over, cracking my back
What I am looking forward to: Getting to week 30! It just seems so far along.
Weekly Wisdom: People like to stare at pregnant ladies.
Milestones: Feeling him regularly.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Update after Dr. Appt.
Richie's heartbeat was in the 160's, so he must have been active! I also gained 2 1/2 pounds from 2 weeks ago :(
My Dr. also said that while she doesn't think I have gestational diabetes, I do still need to watch out because I was so borderline. Good-bye, Cookies. I will miss you.
Monday, August 3, 2009
28 Weeks - Take a look around, baby!
Total weight gain/loss: 21 pounds up, that I know of. I have an appointment on Weds.
Maternity clothes? Love them.
Stretch marks? Not yet (knock on wood!)
Sleep: Not well. It doesn't help that our bedroom has been SO HOT lately.
Best moment this week: Me telling Fred that I have no control over the baby, then putting my hand on my belly to prove my point and yelling "Kick, Baby!" and, fully expecting him to not do anything, he kicked right under my hand! (Fluke, I know, but it was hilarious!)
Movement: I can feel him higher and higher now! I think he's also starting to get me in the ribs.
Food cravings: Nothing specific. Although on Sunday I really, really wanted French Toast! Which I got :)
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: Just the occasional practice BH contractions.
Belly Button in or out? In, but it hurts again.
What I miss: Sleep, Diet Coke, not getting winded for no reason, bending over like a normal person.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done!
Weekly Wisdom: You will probably only smile at the first person who says, "You must be due soon!"
Milestones: Moving to every-two-week Dr. appointments. Oh yeah, and the baby can open his eyes this week!!!!!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
No Gestational Diabetes!
Of course, I would do whatever I needed to do to keep my baby healthy - no questions there - but I am relieved that if I want that cookie, I can have that cookie.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
3-Hour Glucose Test
Here's the story: I stopped eating the night before around 6:30 pm. (Davanni's - YUM) So, I get to the Dr.'s office bright and early (8 am) and in good spirits for the start of my 3-hour blood draw fun. I get my first blood draw and it hurts. (But it was not done by the DOL, so I was still doing a-ok). Fasting blood sugar was 72 - which is perfect!
Then, I get the sugary drink. I chose lemon-lime, only because I had orange last time. And it was pretty gross for 8 in the morning. But I survived. For about 10 minutes. I had gone into the waiting room to read my book for the hour. About 10 minutes into it, my stomach decided it had had enough! The saliva overflowing and the stomach clenching let me know that I should probably make my way to the bathroom so that the feeling could pass, but in a safety zone. It didn't pass. It came up. Ewwww.
I let the lab know that I had thrown up (at this point, it had only been 13 mintues). She felt bad for me and said that if you throw up, you're done with the test and that they typically decide to just treat you like you have gestational diabetes. So, I had to wait and talk to the nurse. While I was waiting, I could hear them talking about my numbers - the fasting glucose and the 1-hour results and that I was so close. I didn't hear more because, of course, I had to go puke again.
Then, I met with the nurse. She said that she was going to talk to my Dr. the next day (today) to see what she wants to do. I have my prescription for the glucose monitor and test strips, but I'm supposed to just hold on to them for now. Because I might have to come in and do more testing or I might just be considered gestational diabetic.
AND, I felt like total crap for the rest of the day. Me and the glucose drink do not mix well.
So now, we wait. The only good thing - I only had to get one blood draw!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Belly Picture - Finally
27 Weeks!
How far along? 27 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: 21 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Couldn't do it without them.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: I wish.
Best moment this week: Getting a new car! I know that's not baby-related exactly, but it's a pretty big deal for us and baby will definitely benefit.
Movement: He likes to punch me in the cervix.
Food cravings: Nothing specific. Although, I did have a dream about a Grande Vanilla Non-Fat Latte from Starbucks.
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In, for now.
What I miss: Not sweating for no reason. Right now I'll start sweating because I'm standing. Or sitting. Or sleeping. Or really for any reason.
What I am looking forward to: Hopefully passing my 3-hour glucose test.
Weekly Wisdom: Rest is your best friend.
Milestones: Big kicks that his Lola got to feel!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
1 Hour Glucose = FAIL
A positive - I only gained one pound! Much better than the 11 from 4 weeks ago. And now I'm going to start my every-two week appointments. It seems early, but I guess it will be 40 weeks before I know it!
Tomorrow is Fred's birthday and the next day is mine, so I'll have to update our ages :) Time just goes so fast and I know with a new baby it will go even faster!
Monday, July 20, 2009
26 Weeks!
How your baby's growing:The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
So I emailed Fred this little bit of information. This was his response:
"We'll have to play more music for Richie! Plus, he's officially going to be a man-baby if you know what I mean."
*Sigh* :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
25 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds or so. Next Wednesday will tell us more.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: A long-ago memory.
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In, but it's getting more and more stretched out, which is gross.
What I miss: Same old: Diet Coke and Sleeping
Weekly Wisdom: Slow down and drink lots of water!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Braxton Hicks
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Spoke too soon
I also forgot my wedding rings today. I feel so naked without them that I'm probably going to go get a faksie from Target to get me through the day :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Oh yeah, and we had our first shower! I'll post pictures once Fred loads them from the camera.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Totally in Love

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Linea Negra
We also have a Dr.'s appointment today at 3:50, so I'll update with anything new then, including my little weekly questionaire.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
21 Weeks!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
20 Weeks and Nursery Progress

How far along? 20 weeks, 2 days.
Total weight gain/loss: Up 9 lbs that I know of. I'm not weighing myself unless I'm at the Dr. and I have to.
Maternity clothes? Usually. Today I'm wearing both maternity pants and a maternity sweater. They're just so comfy.
Stretch marks? Not yet.
Sleep: On my sides. And poorly. I toss and turn a lot and my back hurts so much :(
Best moment this week: Feeling a baby thump! It was only one, but it was still glorious. Also, getting our crib all set up - thanks Joe!
Movement: Nothing consistent. I feel it a little bit, but it's just not strong yet.
Food cravings: Egg and Cheese Biscuits! From McDonald's, but I also like the ones in the work cafeteria. They're so tasty!
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In, but it's starting to get wider. I can see it if I'm wearing a tighter shirt.
What I miss: Still Diet Coke and feeling completely rested.
What I am looking forward to: Consistent Movement!
Weekly Wisdom: Start saving money now. Daycare is expensive.
Milestones: My little baby thump and getting the nursery going!
Speaking of the nursery - we spent Sunday cleaning it! Since it is currently our office, it's where papers go to die. We tackled the closet and made a lot of great progress! It's almost all cleared out! Plus, we had to go through things in our guest bedroom, since that is where all the office stuff is going now.
On Saturday, Fred and my brother went to pick up the crib and put it together. It looks great and it makes it so much more real that there will be a baby sleeping in it in just 5 months! My mom also ordered us a crib mattress from Overstock, which should be here this week. Once we get it all, I'll post pictures.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Baby's First Furniture
We didn't get the matching furniture, since we think we can probably find something similar and cheaper at IKEA or at some other furniture store, since I suspect baby store mark-ups are slightly outrageous.
The crib is made out of mahogany and it seems very strudy - probably will get us through more than one kid (God willing). I surprised myself by getting a wood stain, since I had thought we would get white furniture. It does throw us off our plan with the dresser and bookcase, but I think the wood stain will be better for us in the long-run.
Additionally, I'm pretty sure I felt the baby last night! I was laying on my side and I had my arm against my stomach. I felt a little thump inside and I also felt it on my arm on the outside in the same spot! I woke up Fred and told him. His response was "My Baby" and put his hand on my stomach and kept snoring away. He remembers me telling him, but he does not remember his reaction. He's funny when he's sleeping.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
19 Weeks
I stole the question list below from Blair's Blog, since I thought it might be nice to start capturing this kind of thing. I haven't started taking belly pictures yet (a throwback fear from the days in my first two pregnancies when I did take them?), but I think I'll start at 20 weeks. That's nice and halfway.
How far along? 19 weeks, 2 days. Since he measured ahead at the u/s, I'm thinking he's probably at 19 weeks, 4 days :)
Total weight gain/loss: Up 9 lbs total. I actually had lost a pound at my last appointment (last week) and was amazed because I was expecting to be up. By a lot.
Maternity clothes? Mostly. I usually do a combo - maternity shirt with regular pants and a bella band or maternity pants and a regular shirt.
Stretch marks? Not yet. Not new ones anyway.
Sleep: On my sides. I miss sleeping on my stomach and back. Oh yeah, and I'm not sleeping very well.
Best moment this week: Registering! It makes it seem real! Plus, we're getting our crib ordered today - Thanks, Mom!
Movement: I'm sure he's moving like the little wiggler he is. BUT, I can't feel him yet.
Food cravings: Depends on the day. I usually crave fruit and dairy in general, but I get a hankering for different things on different days.
Gender: Boy! :)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In, but I feel like it's starting to stretch, which is kind of gross.
What I miss: Diet Coke and sleeping on my stomach.
What I am looking forward to: FEELING HIM MOVE!!!! I'm hoping it will come any time now. I think I felt him yesterday, but I just don't know for sure.
Weekly Wisdom: Know that you're doing all you can to make sure your baby is happy and healthy.
Milestones: Finding out he is a boy last week and registering for everything he needs from the Land of Baby Crap.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Babies = Lots of Stuff
Luckily, I was armed with my Baby Bargains book, which was very helpful and I had been reading before-hand, as well as our Consumer Reports ratings, which made it all a little bit less overwhelming.
In addition to being A LOT of stuff, it's EXPENSIVE!!! Our car seat and stroller travel system is $300!!!! Yikes. But we know we registered for the one that will be best for us, so I guess it is what it is. And we're not even thinking about how much college is going to cost us yet. Gulp!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Some of the Details
We got to the clinic and the first thing we did was sit down with a genetic counselor to go through our entire family history. We have 3 different heart defects in babies in our family - I had a small ventricular defect when I was born up until age 5, my cousin had a large ventricular defect in her heart that required surgery, and Fred had a brother that passed away at age 1 because of a chamber defect (he only had 3 chambers, instead of 4). That, coupled with my multiple miscarriages, gave them a specific focus on the heart. They also asked if we wanted any testing and I said that we didn't think we needed it, but it would depend on the ultrasound.
So, then we got to go into the ultrasound and that was SO FUN!!!! I have only had ultrasounds in the first trimester (3 unsuccessful ones and one that showed this peanut at 7 weeks), so it was VERY COOL to see him moving around! It was surreal because I can't feel him yet, but there he was up on the screen in real time moving around. He was a very wiggly little guy and it was hard to get a clear shot of him, except when it came to showing his boy pieces - we got a clear shot of that!
The ultrasound tech measured his brain, the neck fold, the heart (has 4 chambers!) and monitored the blood pumping in and out (which was pretty neat), the umbilical cord and the blood flow in and out of that, the amniotic fluid level, bone lengths in arms and legs, upper lip, nasal ridge, the location of the placenta, length of the cervix, distance of the cervix from the placenta, and checked out his spine. And it was all NORMAL!
It was all so exciting and we have waited so long for this. We're going to start our registry this weekend and it will be fun for this to become more real!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Antibiotics and Baby Movements
I got a prescription for antiobiotics last night and started taking them, so I'm hoping that helps. My mom said that if she had seen me at the clinic, with my symptoms and being pregnant, she would have prescribed them, so she called it in for me. Go z-pack!
Yesterday, I *think* I felt the baby move. It felt like a couple of little pops and that was it. But I think it was Fressy! I was telling my mom yesterday that I just don't have the energy to get as excited as I would get if I was feeling 100%, but I'm still SOOOOO relieved that my illness isn't affecting him or her.
As for the neti pot - Fred bought me one at Target yesterday, but I've been too scared to try it out. :)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Getting one of these today
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Even Sicker
I have been a bit paranoid about the baby, so I've been checking him/her daily, sometimes twice a day. It just gives me that peace of mind.
Also, only 3 more days until we know what kind of baby Fressy is!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I'm getting sick. :(
I'm also SUPER excited for Wednesday! I'm happy that we have off on Monday, so that will hopefully make the time go faster, since weekends always go fast anyway. I think that I will bring in tinted cupcakes to work on Thursday to tell what kind of baby this is :) Everyone likes cupcakes and I don't think we will be doing it for our family, like I was hoping we would and someone at Fred's work did it already (idea stealer. Except he doesn't know me or the fact that I wanted to do this first). So this should fulfill my need somewhat.
We have no plans for Memorial Day weekend. Does this make us boring? Probably. But, we do have some rockin' plans to do some yardwork and paint some cabinets! I'll post some before and after pictures once we get going.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Round Ligament Pain
But, it was all for a good cause and it got me out and moving, so that's a good thing.
Especially since the night before I threw up in the car on the way home from my brother in law's graduation dinner at Buca. GROSS.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Fressy Can Hear!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Apples or Oranges

Sunday, May 3, 2009
New Blog Title
Here is the article!
Monday, April 27, 2009
14-Week Appointment Update

I'm just so happy that this is all going so well. It's been a rough year and a half.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
So, I was kind of hoping that I would be feeling better by now, but I'm really not. It is always worst right around 4 pm, but today I've been feeling it all day, pretty much. Last night on the way home we had to stop for food because I was feeling like I needed to eat to make the yucky tummy feeling go away. It only helped a little bit.
I'm getting excited for next week and our Dr.'s appointment! After that, Fred will tell his work and I will finish telling my work. I plan on telling my immediate team tomorrow at our meeting. I'll probably do a reassuring heartbeat check with my trusty doppler tonight, though. That thing is fantastic.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Peachy-keen, jelly bean

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Heartbeat :)
Immediately, I went (with Fred in tow) to try it out! It probably took about 15 minutes, but we found it! There really was no way it could have been anything else. And it made us very happy!
Fred also conceded that my peace of mind was worth more than five bucks.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Twelve Weeks!!!!!!!!
"As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed."
I'm also still waiting on my doppler, which is expected to arrive tomorrow. I was secretly hoping for earlier, but oh well.
Another question - when to tell? I think that I'll probably start telling next week and Fred said that he's probably going to start telling after our 14-week appointment on the 27th. It will be so fun for it not to be a secret anymore!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Caved in

Monday, April 6, 2009
Oh yeah