
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crazy Dreams and SO TIRED.

I am so tired. All the time. Probably the baking a human being thing, but I also think the medication I’m on might be contributing. Either way, all I want to do is sleep and I’m having more and more trouble getting up with my alarm clock.

This morning, for instance, I had the craziest dream about William and Kate and Pippa Middleton. First, it was William and Kate’s wedding. I was Kate (somehow) in this wedding. The tradition was that the brother of the groom would wear a mask and escort the bride to the front in order to “trick” the bride into making a mistake. Harry is super-hot, so that was tempting, but as Kate, I would not be dissuaded from my true love Williams. That is, until they hired actors to walk down the aisle as William at different ages. When he got to the front he was at a super awkward and ugly age. As Kate, I was like, “Um, I might be rethinking this.” Then they made him look good, so we got married.

From here, I no longer was Kate, but became Pippa. My duties were to watch the newlyweds AT ALL TIMES. And they kept trying to lose me. They didn’t want to be watched 24/7. It was a security thing, I guess. And this is when I incorporated my alarm clock into my dream. Every time the alarm went off, that meant that Kate and William had escaped again and I had to go find them, which meant I needed more time.

This particular dream happened not too long ago. I've had just as crazy ones since then, but none that I remember quite so clearly. I may be losing my mind :)

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