
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am so, so, so, so HAPPY!!!!! Baby looks perfect! He/She is about a centimeter long and is measuring right on time at 7w1d! And we saw the heartbeat right away - measuring great at 156 beats per minute! BEST. DAY. EVER.

Fred scanned the pictures, so I'll load them later today. THANK YOU ALL for your warm wishes and prayers! They worked :)


freddymacw said...

Can you change the name of the blog now? The current name is too depressing.

Crysbena said...

OMG!!! Congrat!! That's just so wonderful. Thank you, you really brought me some hope today.

JessAndi said...

Aw, thanks! I'm glad I could bring you some hope - it's been a long, bumpy road. It WILL happen for you, too!

And Fred, I'll change it when you think of a better name :)