
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yet Another Trip to Labor and Delivery

Yesterday I got to get outside of the house! Unfortunately, it was to make yet another trip to Labor and Delivery. Here's what happened: at about 4:15, I went to the bathroom and my underwear was wet, like I'd peed my pants some, but it didn't smell like urine. So, I started mildly freaking out, which went to full-on panic that I was leaking amniotic fluid. I called Fred and my mom, who told me to call L&D. So, I called my clinic and they said to come in to get tested for an amniotic fluid leak.

They did the swab, which came back negative - THANKFULLY. And baby is still looking great! They monitored him for awhile, and he looks just fine! I won't be able to deliver at Fairview Southdale before 32 weeks, but I'm 32 weeks on Monday, so I think I'll make it to at least then. I have another Dr.'s appointment, so hopefully all will be well - maybe the Fetal Fibronectin will even come back negative and I can get out of the house again! But I don't really think that will happen. But a girl can hope.

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