
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekends used to be fun.

It's not like they aren't anymore, but I don't enjoy them the way I used to. I feel like crap ALL DAY LONG. And, on Friday night I threw up for the first time - hard-core threw up. I know it's TMI, but I don't really care. I've been trying not to throw up ever since, but I've had some dry-heaving episodes.

On a side note, it's only 6 days until Sarah and Jason's wedding!!!! Hooray!!!! I'll be taking the Megabus on Wednesday morning, which should be pretty interesting if the dry-heaving and sick-feelings continue, since it means 6 hours in a BUS.

Also, we have our first Dr. appt. TOMORROW!!!!! If you read this, please send us healthy-baby-development vibes!

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