
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Sylvia :)

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How it all went down

Well, internet, we (as in Fred and I, but mostly me) survived our ordeal. And it was rather an ordeal. At the same time, though, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, since I was expecting near-death. Luckily, that didn't happen.

I took the Cytotec (I should clarify - I inserted the Cytotec. Yech) at about 11:15 am yesterday morning. I kept thinking that I was feeling something, but I knew it was too early. My ob had said that it would take about 4 hours. So, I just laid in bed and read a book and watched tv. Really, not all that different from any other Saturday.

I started feeling crampy at about 5:00. They were pretty mild at this point, but lesson learned: take the Percocet before you actually really, really need it. I learned this the painful way. I kept laying down and actually fell asleep through the start of the worst of it.

I would say that the worst of it started around 6:30 and lasted until about 10:30. I was in bed up until about 8. It was at this point that I went downstairs and there was a lot of blood (graphic, I know, but if you're reading this I'm assuming you can stomach it). I took the Percocet at 8:00 and it kicked in around 8:45.

During that last hour and half (9-10:30), there was a lot of blood and clots (again with the TMI). It was gross, painful, and disturbing. I think I passed most of everything during that time frame. During that last 30 minutes, though, I started feeling better and the bleeding slowed down. All in all, I only took one Percocet and two of the anti-nausea meds.

The bleeding today has been pretty minimal, which is good. I still think I might need another day for my mental health and to make sure that all the bleeding is done. I'm pretty sure (but don't actually know) that it will be over tomorrow and done by Tuesday. I think I might take a mental health day from work just to make sure I've worked through this all, but I'll make that call tomorrow morning.

As for next steps - I'm going to call my Dr's office tomorrow to schedule the follow-up appointment for a week from tomorrow. My ob said that we should do an ultrasound to make sure everything passed and discuss next steps. So, more info to come on that!

I'm just glad we made it through it okay. Fred did get crabby at me for spending too much money at Sephora. I guess I just can't catch a break.

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